Frequently Asked Logging Question
We expect landowners to have a lot of questions prior to hiring a wood harvesting company. Here I have answered some of the most frequently asked questions. Feel free to email me any specific questions you have.
Why should I choose you as my logger/contractor?
There are many loggers to choose from but I can tell you that our quality of work and attention to detail is second to none. We focus on each and every tree that comes to our landing to properly assess its value and how to maximize a landowners return. You can't tell from a website if we are the company for you, but I'd like the opportunity to meet you and let you decide!
Why should I trust Kimball & Son’s Logging?
Take a peek at our testimonials, even more importantly, who wrote the testimonials. We have built trusting relationships with industry leaders and they have entrusted us in their personal wood lots.
Do I need a forester?
Foresters are a valuable resource for creating long term management plans. It is not required by law to have a forester be a third party to your timber sale. We possess the experience, knowledge, and skill to directly work with clients on meeting their harvest goals. We subcontract with knowledgable, professional foresters should it be necessary or desired.
I have a forester I work with already, why should i go direct?
If you have a trusting relationship with a forester, we are more than happy to work with whom ever you choose. Foresters get paid for their services in a variety of ways. A consulting forester may receive a percentage of what we pay you as the landowner for your timber if they are paid on commission. You can choose to pay them to represent you in the sale of your timber. The transaction difference is similar to working with a real estate agent (with a forester) versus ‘for sale by owner’ (no forester)
What does "master logger" mean?
Master Logger is a third-party, independent certification that is recognized throughout New England. A Master Logger's priority is the long-term sustainability of the New England forests. Check out the Master Logger Certification website to learn more.
Does my woodlot need to be managed?
Managing your woodlot ensures the health of New England forests. We selectively harvest depending on the goals of the landowner. There are many factors to take into consideration when managing your woodlot, such as current or future profitability, maintaining wildlife habitat, and ensuring the forest can regenerate itself. We would work closely to identify those goals prior to any tree being cut.
What is my wood lot worth?
The value of a wood lot can vary depending on a multitude of factors. In the New England woods, there are many different species of wood and they are all valued differently. The best way to determine the specific value of a wood lot is to spend some time in the woods with me and inventory the different species of growth. A land or property owner can also hire a forester to cruise the lot and get the value.
How quick do I start receiving payments for my wood?
When I start the wood lot, it takes two weeks to start receiving payments from the wood hauled on the first week.
Do I need to pay taxes on the money you pay me for the wood?
Yes!!! Uncle Sam wants his cut. There are ways to decrease your tax liabiltiy, but the best resource is your accountant.
How do i know how much wood you’ve hauled off my lot?
We provide all scale slips, weight slips, and trip tickets on every load hauled so there is no question on volumes that are hauled off.
At Kimball & Son's Logging, we insist on meeting prior to doing work to discuss what your goals are for the potential harvest and spend some time on the woodlot. We offer a full and comprehensive Harvest Plan for harvest and future harvest of your wood lot. Once complete, we will go over the contract, agreed prices, and sign terms of agreement. Then a FON(Forest Operation Notification) will have to be filed with the state. At that point, we can schedule a start date for the work to be completed.
Where do you sell the wood?
We sell wood to many businesses and industries depending on time of the year, market, and availability. Here are some: Hancock Lumber, in Casco Maine; White Birch Specialist, in Turner, Maine; Gerrity Industries, in Leeds, Maine; Pixelle, in Jay Maine (Not currently due to mill explosion) ; Catalyst Paper, in Rumford, Maine; Re-Energy, in Livermore, Maine; Burgess Bio Power, in Berlin NH; Milan Lumber, in Milan NH and New England Forest Products, in West Paris, Maine to name a few.
Do I need a permit for the project?
Yes!! You will need a Forest Operations Notification Permit from the state which I will provide for you. Additionally, some towns require their own permits but most do not.
How is the wood industry change/evolved with all these mill closures?
There have been many concerns about this topic. Especially as a result of reading and watching the doom and gloom in the media. We can assure you that the forest products industry in the state of Maine remains strong and will for a long time to come. Due to a combination of the Covid-19 pandemic and the explosion at the Jay mill, wood products are moving slowly. We are restricted to how much wood the mills will purchase from us. When one mill goes down, all of that product has to get dispersed to other markets and they become over supplied. With all businesses and industries, the market ebbs and flows, but Kimball & Son's Logging works hard to stay ahead of industry curves so that we can withstand changes in the economy. Today, the local Maine paper mills are expanding to new products that will be profitable for them and in-turn the logging industry. I look forward to that success.
How long does it take to cut my woodlot?
This depends on many factors but as an average a 50 acre lot will take 3-4 weeks to harvest properly.
What is the sustainable impact of logging?
The sustainable impact of logging is very simple; if the wood lot is cut properly, there should be many years and multiple harvests from the same plot of land resulting in the maintenance of a beautiful forest.
Will there be a mess when Kimball & Son's Logging is done?
We take pride in making sure the landowner is completely satisfied with the condition of his or her land when we leave. We do use heavy equipment on your property. We do our very best to keep it the same as when we showed up.
How much is your equipment going to damage the soil on my woodlot?
It impossible to harvest a woodlot and not leave a mark, but we utilize best management practices to minimize the impact. This topic is very important to Kimball and Son's Logging and when conditions are such that we know we will cause significant damage, we will not continue until the land can handle our equipment.
Do you have bridges for stream and brook crossing?
Yes we do. We have plenty of bridges and we also have a set of steel bridges for the toughest applications.