This Year in the Woods

We’ve been busy minding our own business I guess you could say, but it occurred to me that we now are feeling a little less connected to our community of loggers, landowners, foresters, and all the people that the Maine timber industry touches.

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Chrissy KimballComment
Heating with wood matters

I detest being cold, but I’ve always believed that wood is one of the best ways to keep yourself warm in this state we call home. Sure, oil and propane have their place, (and perhaps that’s about to become cheaper!) but there’s something special about heating with wood. It's not just about staying warm—it’s about being part of something bigger.

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Chrissy KimballComment
This Week in the Woods

Sitting here this morning, Randy says “We should do a this week in the Woods. It’s been a while.” I kinda shrug….. UGH its 6:30 on a Sunday and I’m not ready to think yet. I reluctantly agree, get my computer, and realize it has been since April!

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This Week in the Woods

Spring is here and we know what that means…. time for Randy to spend too much money! Winter doesn’t seem to fully want to let go, but the soft ground is now not workable, particularly for our whole tree crew.

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Chrissy KimballComment
This Week in the Woods

It has become abundantly clear that winters just aren’t what they used to be. While many Mainers may welcome the warmer winter temps, it is really impacting the way we can operate. We have always saved our more fragile ground for winters, but that trend is changing.

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Chrissy KimballComment
This Week in the Woods

The lot they are on now is about 30 acres and they are “cutting wood. The round kind.” (That is what Randy answered when I asked him to help me write this—- so I’m keeping it. He is not being very helpful haha)

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Chrissy KimballComment
Happy Easter!

I see lot’s of orange posters coming down which means we should be back in the woods in no time. We were very fortunate to have one of those coveted jobs on a non-posted road this year, and the cut to length crew was able to complete the job and worked until April 13th! The ground is definitely too soupy to get back out there yet, but we have plenty of maintenance to do.

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Chrissy KimballComment
New Crew in the Woods

We are off and running! Back before the Jay mill explosion, we were contemplating starting a cut to length crew. The explosion and loss of that market squashed that plan real quick and in a hurry. Then, about a year ago we started down the road again, but just as soon as we were approved at the bank, we had a little panic attack and pumped the brakes again…. Then, this in August we decided it was time to stop talking about it and just go for it.

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Chrissy KimballComment
This Week in the Woods

Being in an industry that is so dependent on weather is always pushing us to think outside of the box, adjust, and make moves. It is certainly never boring. You know the saying “If you don’t like the weather in New England, just wait a few minutes.”

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Chrissy KimballComment
Mainer's are Rich

There is something about Maine that is attractive and beautiful from the outside looking in, even if we don’t see it. Tourists flock here and are so curious about Maine life. They try to replicate it on snowy slopes, lake side chalets, and ocean side mansions. They try to buy the Maine way, but its not for sale.

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Chrissy KimballComment
This Week in the Woods

It always makes me chuckle at how much we don’t understand each other’s businesses and what would make them struggle. A frequent question we are asked lately is “how is the logging industry these days?” What people see is the crazy prices for lumber so I just want to make everyone aware… loggers are getting pay cuts for their products.

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